Design Review

The Design Review Committee (DRC) must approve all home alterations, modifications or changes in 
any way which changes the exterior or its appearance. Nor shall any home be rebuilt, additions made,
grading or landscaping changed unless an application, plans and specifications have been submitted to
and approved in writing by the Design Review Committee. [Section 8.2] The Design Review
Committee may inspect work being performed to assure compliance with this Declaration and
applicable regulations. [Section 8.3]
The DRC, a committee composed of three members, was established to help develop and maintain design guidelines and standards that are consistent with the original Chippewa Hills design plan, while still allowing for individual expression and promoting general community improvement. The DRC reviews and approves or disapproves homeowners' applications for exterior changes. The DRC is also responsible for investigating possible violations of the architectural design guidelines and standards and for recommending corrective action to the Board of Trustees.